HtmlArea Control could not Render. - Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: 'Lighthouse.Lh3.FrontEnd.Controls.VenddExpando' does not contain a definition for 'PopupInit'
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object )
at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.ebccedbbdefbef.Execute()
at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context) in c:\_git\RazorEngine\src\Core\RazorEngine.Core\Templating\TemplateBase.cs:line 127
at RazorEngine.Razor.Parse[T](String razorTemplate, T model, String cacheName) in c:\_git\RazorEngine\src\Core\RazorEngine.Core\Razor.cs:line 276
at Lighthouse.Lh3.FrontEnd.Controls.HtmlListControlTemplate`1.RenderBox(Object data) in d:\Data\BuildAgents\Agent3\work\d5bc7274f11bdce5\Lighthouse.Lh3.FrontEnd\Controls\Base\HtmlListBase\HtmlListControlTemplate`.cs:line 43
The northern Greece storage and LPG bottling facility is located in the municipality of Menemeni, on the way to Kalochori, on an area of 8,500 square meters, approximately 8 km from Thessaloniki. The facility houses the headquarters of the northern Greece LPG Offices. It also features a technical department, specialized in the provision of tech support within the premises, to industrial customers and AUTO-GAS stations in northern Greece.
There is a storage area of 660m3 and daily bottling capacity is 4,500 takes over 8 hours of operation. There are 15 employees -under a permanent or temp contract- working in the premises.
The facility features a total of six cylindrical tanks, with a maximum capacity of 110 m3 each. The storage tanks are pressurized, which means that the product is stored in liquid form at ambient temperature. All tanks are located aboveground.
Refueling (either with mixture or with propane) takes place through an underground 6’’ pipe, about 4,000 meters long that connects the facility with the Thessaloniki refineries (HELPE). There is no butane in the Thessaloniki facility.
The bottling area has a daily production capacity of 4,500 bottles. It covers an area of 550 m2, and includes an open platform and a metal covered area. In 2000, we modernized its mechanical equipment, investing approximately 700,000 euro. It has 2 bottling points, a 12-position mixture carousel and a 6-position propane bottling carousel. The bottling area is equipped with a bottle washing system, an electronic leak detector, and a corrugating machine for
both bottling lines. Current capacity is approximately 3,500 LPG mixture cylinders, and 800 propane cylinders, on a daily basis.
The Thessaloniki facility operates under the strict requirements of the respective legislation (MD number D3/14858/93, GG 477/Β/1-7-93), and observes all hygiene, safety and environments regulations of EKO SA, in accordance with corporate policy. The facility features a permanent fire extinction unit, and the fire extinction network is always kept under pressure. All tanks are certified by the "Hellenic Register of Shipping", and there is a maintenance system based on
SAP/PM (Plant Maintenance) for the entire electromechanical equipment, which ensures smooth operation and safety. All tanks are certified by the "Hellenic Register of Shipping", while there is an electronic level real time monitoring system.
The facility has a storage capacity of over 30,000 bottles, and storage areas for tanks and materials for the industrial premises.
The Thessaloniki facility serves the needs of the prefectures of Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Thessaly and Thrace. To this end, the company operates a fleet of eight privately-owned and contracted LPG tankers, with a capacity of 8 to 19 tons for the daily distribution of LPG in bulk to large industrial and commercial customers. Moreover, it cooperates with contracted Public Use transporters, for the transportation and distribution of LPG tanks to the aforementioned areas. Last, but not least, tanks are sold via retailers, who
mainly access the facility with their own vehicles.