HtmlArea Control could not Render. - Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: 'Lighthouse.Lh3.FrontEnd.Controls.VenddExpando' does not contain a definition for 'PopupInit'
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object )
at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.bbeacecafdcaaed.Execute()
at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context) in c:\_git\RazorEngine\src\Core\RazorEngine.Core\Templating\TemplateBase.cs:line 127
at RazorEngine.Razor.Parse[T](String razorTemplate, T model, String cacheName) in c:\_git\RazorEngine\src\Core\RazorEngine.Core\Razor.cs:line 276
at Lighthouse.Lh3.FrontEnd.Controls.HtmlListControlTemplate`1.RenderBox(Object data) in d:\Data\BuildAgents\Agent3\work\d5bc7274f11bdce5\Lighthouse.Lh3.FrontEnd\Controls\Base\HtmlListBase\HtmlListControlTemplate`.cs:line 43
On 31.12.2002, BP Cyprus Ltd was bought out by Hellenic Petroleum International AG, and was renamed EKO Cyprus.
The company’s administration determines, provides, and maintains the necessary infrastructure for the provision of services and products, and their alignment with customer preferences.
The company’s infrastructure consists of:
94 stations under the EKO label
25 points of oil sale in rural areas
Privately-owned offices in Larnaca, of a total area of 300m2.
Rented offices in Limassol, of a total area of 700m2.
19 tanks for fuel storage in Larnaca.
A loading station for tanker trucks.
LPG bottling station and loading of bulk LPG on tanker trucks.
A lubricant factory, under the name “Supelube Ltd”, which is specialized in the production and mixing of lubricants. The company participates in this scheme as a major shareholder.
Fire extinction unit
Lubricants warehouses
Wastewater management unit
6 tanker trucks, with a total capacity of 94,000 liters, for LPG transportation
1 tanker truck, with a capacity of 36,000 liters, for the transportation of white products