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New Diesel EKONOMY by EKO
Greater savings, higher performance!
In response to its consumers’ need for greater savings getting around, EKO presented the new product, Diesel EKONOMY, at an official event today.
A new generation which:
Achieves savings of up to 4%, i.e. up to 5 cents/liter*.
Increases engine performance.
Reduces the engine noise by up to 15%.
Ensures exceptional detergent and anti-corrosion protection for all engine types.
Prevents the formation of deposits on injectors.
Reduces nitrogen oxide emissions and unburned particles.
Reduces maintenance costs and extends the engine’s life engine.
The new Diesel EKONOMY was developed by EKO in cooperation with Total and has a unique composition which provides an increased cetane number, thus increasing efficiency of the diesel engine.
At the same time, it has a new technology additive, which saves the driver money since it allows him/her to cover more miles with the same amount of fuel. The new fuel is designed to meet the expectations of the most demanding drivers and is suitable for use in all types of diesel engines (Euro 5 and older).
Mr. I.. Psychogios, CEO stated, "Once again EKO stays true to its commitment to stand by the Greek consumer by applying innovative programs and introducing new products. It is a promise that we hold, so today we proudly present the second fuel saving product of the EKONOMY generation, the new Diesel EKONOMY by EKO.
Mr. V. Panagopoulos, Marketing & Strategic Trade Director, presented the advantages of the new product while Mr. Yann Le Hir, Total’s Business Manager, highlighted the technical specification of the special additive that was designed by Total for EKO’s new Diesel EKONOMY.
The event was attended by the Mr. G. Kostopoulos, CEO of Hellenic Petroleum, the executives of the Group companies from Greece and abroad, journalists of the specific and general press and chosen EKO partners.
Greater savings, higher performance!
*In comparison with the consumption of a diesel without special additives and with all the other parameters left unchanged. Tests at independent laboratories. Base Price €1.25/liter.