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Two Guinness World Records from EKO, Kosmocar-Volkswagen & Driving Academy
The three Greek companies worked together and in real driving conditions achieved a world record for the lowest fuel consumption driving across 9 mainland regions of Greece and over 1,577 km of national and provincial roads.
On 16-18 October 2013 Kosmocar Volkswagen provided the Driving Academy’s experienced staff with 2 cars, a Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BlueMotion and a Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 140PS with Active Cylinder Technology System (ACT), which were respectively refueled by EKO with its advanced fuels EKO Diesel Ekonomy and EKO 95 Ekonomy. Records:
Guinness World Record for lowest fuel consumption for Diesel cars: 2.96 lt / 100 km
Guinness World Record for lowest fuel consumption for Petrol cars: 3.42 lt / 100 km
The first group had the Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BlueMotion with Dimitris Hatzitolios and Nikolas Papapaschos at the wheel; it was fueled with EKO Diesel Ekonomy and covered the distance of 1,577 km with a total diesel consumption of 46.75lt, which corresponds to an average consumption of 2.96 lt/100 km. Contributing to this success were the new technology TDI BlueMotion by Volkswagen, the most modern economic driving techniques by Driving Academy and of course the advanced fuel Ekonomy, which revolutionized the Greek standards by achieving very low consumptions. The starting point was the city of Alexandroupolis with termination in Corinth and area throughout the national and provincial national network.
The second group drove the Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 140PS - ACT, with Thomas Papapascho and Yiannis Tsigris at the wheel; it was fueled with EKO 95 Ekonomy, and covered the distance of 1,592 km with a total petrol consumption of 54.52lt, which corresponds to an average consumption of 3.42 lt/100 km. In this case it is certain that the TSI technology and Active System Technology System by VW, the excellent implementation of the Driving Academy’s economic driving techniques and of course, the advanced fuel EKO 95 Ekonomy, a fuel with improved composition, which effectively reduces the overall consumption, played a major role.
The two crews were monitored throughout the course by qualified employees of the Guinness World Records Organization, CRES, the Hellenic Police and other public bodies. At the end of the course, the vehicles’ refueling measurements, the kilometric distance covered each car and the accuracy of the data were certified with the strict standards and guidelines of the Guinness World Records. Organization. After evaluating all the data, measurements, the testimonies of the official bodies, the complete video of the of the course and GPS data, the Organization certified the achievement of both records.
The two major awards were presented on November 1 by Mr. Mark McKinley, a delegate judge of the Guiness World Records.
For more information and audiovisual material, please contact the press offices of Kosmocar (Mr. Thanassis Aggelis -, EKO (Ms. Aphrodite Doumani - and the Driving Academy (Mr. Thomas Papapaschos -